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LastObject is a Danish high-growth startup that develops sustainable alternatives to single-use products. We want to contribute to a more sustainable future by “making people proud and happy to choose reusable”. Our founder, Isabel Aagaard, 29, is a designer by trade and eco-conscious by nature. Frustrated by all of the single-use products out there, she decided to design innovative solutions to wasteful habits that make a lasting positive impact. LastObject was founded 2018 with the first product being LastSwab (2019) and earlier this year, LastTissue was bought to life. Isabel also just gave birth to her first child, a healthy perfect boy. As an eco-fighter and power-mom that always leads by example, she truly stands by her products and hopes to inspire others to adapt to living sustainably.

CleanCup AS

CleanCup's on a mission to empower people with periods through high quality products and information. Every month, 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate. They need safe period products, and disposable products just won't do anymore. Let’s be honest; Tampons suck. No, really, they do! Both literally and figuratively. Tampons absorb period blood, but it does not differentiate it from your body's natural moisture, and it absorbs that too, which can cause infections and skin irritation. And besides: We use 11 000 disposable period products each, causing tons of cotton and plastic waste. One tampon takes than 100 years to degrade; this means all of the tampons you have ever used are still in our environment somewhere. Pads and tampons are not really comfortable, practical, sustainable, or even cheap. It’s just what’s been available. Do we want this as a legacy for our planet and our kids? No. But we have the solution: CleanCup. The Norwegian menstrual cup. Uniquely designed for comfort. Designed in collaboration with hundreds of women.

imvi labs ab

imvi labs was founded in 2021, based on interdisciplinary research with Karolinska Institutet, Linné Universitetet and Gävle Högskola. 10% of the world’s population struggle with reading. Our patented brain-eye coordination training app can free up 80-90% of the brain’s capacity, which can be used for faster reading, better concentration, and increased focus. All our customers have improved their reading speed, up to 800%. People with dyslexia and reading difficulties have on average improved over100%.


Solstroem is a cutting-edge technology platform based on a proprietary distributed ledger technology, providing off-grid solar providers access to the carbon market. We accelerate the energy transition in developing and emerging countries. By 2022, Solstroem aims at positively impacting the lives of over 2.5 Million people. The Solstroem solution is data-driven, and based on direct software integrations with solar partners in the field. Join us on the journey towards a greener and fair tomorrow.

Zedus Company

Zedus Company is a danish EdTech company devoloping modern tech solutions and innovative teaching resources. Our products change the way we educate and help the students get ready for the future. Can you tell the difference between a classroom from today and 100 years ago? Indeed, that is a difficult task. The differences are not that significant, especially not compared with the technologies available today. This is the picture we want to change. As in the Solow-Swan model for economic growth, we do need techonological progress in order to grow. Thus, it makes no sense trying to prevent new and innovative technologies in our educational system. The future is tomorrow. Let's get ready today. --- Right now, we are devoloping our first solution (to which we are looking for funding): A solution helping the elementary schools dealing with mobile phones in a fun and innovative manner. An easy and intuitive management tool applicable by any teacher and a fun and educative solution for all the students.

Loop Tours ApS

Loop Tours is the world's first cargo bike experience provider. Started in Copenhagen in 2018, we run experiences that display positive examples of urban sustainability to a diverse crowd. Our mission is to spread cargo-bike love around the world by taking travellers onto memorable journeys, where we share our passion for cycling and car-free cities. At the moment, we are operating in Copenhagen and Switzerland. In the future, we want to create more cargo bike experience hubs around Europe. Why Segway? Why not a cargo bike? It's more fun, social and inclusive. Join the ride ;) Here a video about us:


AgriRobot is founded by Tommy and Henrik who have solid experience from the agricultural domain. Both have gained profound insight into the international market and technical aspects of agtech /robotics. AgroRobot is founded 2021 and has a been residence at DTU Skylab Pilots /Developer Hall since August 2021. AgriRobot is proving solutions for full autonomy for field robots, by developing safety solutions based on proven sensors and our own SW for obstacle detection. We want to provide a safety solution that allows the operator of the robot to leave the field without jeopardizing the safety of the robot. Our solution is dedicated to agriculture and our primary customers are manufacturers (OEM) of field robots or integrators of autonomy solutions.

Qlocx iBoxen Digital AB

Qlocx iBoxen Digital is a pure tech organization that builds and manages software services primarily for our sister organizations iBoxen infrastruktur AB and Qlocx AB. iBoxen creates an independent and open infrastructure of parcel lockers that are outdoors and available 24/7 to receive, return and send parcels purchased online. New for this year are also C2C transactions that are made possible through the parcel lockers. The digital engine for iBoxen's infrastructure is operated and developed by Qlocx iBoxen Digital, where we develop innovative digital "last mile" services connected to the parcel lockers together with Sweden's transport companies. Through a proprietary hardware from Qlocx that controls the locks with digital keys via mobile applications, we create a large number of different innovative services in a very flexible way. We see a future world where delivery recipients do not have to go to a postal agent or be at home to receive a delivery, for smarter and safer deliveries! In order to reach an infrastructure that extends throughout the country from north to south, we have secured capital from large real estate companies in Sweden, e.g. Balder, SBB and Redito.

Sopu Academy

Sopu Academy is a young edtech startup based in Helsinki, providing international negotiation skills education globally. The company is supported by the Helsinki Education Hub, and currently provides hands-on online programs to develop individuals’ negotiation and communication skills. Previous Sopu Academy programs gathered participants from Finland, Turkey, Austria, Germany, Singapore and Thailand. At Sopu Academy, we reimagine negotiation education through data-driven, interactive and online programs. We believe negotiation skills are fundamental for every individual to pursue a meaningful, balanced and happy life.

SalesComm ApS

SalesComm er en startup teknologi virksomheden med en vision om at bidrage til mere bæredygtige byer i form af mere diversificeret butikker samt større udvalg af dansk producerede produkter. Det vil vi opnå ved hjælpe detailhandlen med at blive mere digital og datadreven. SalesComm åbner op for bedre indsigt i hele værdikæden og automatisering af en række gængse arbejdsprocesser, som feks kommissions aftaler. Med SalesComm bliver forhandlere mere konkurrencedygtige og nye brands får nemmere ved at komme på markedet. SalesComm er en digital B2B platform hvor forhandlere og brands kan finde hinanden, etablere aftaler og ikke mindst administrere disse aftaler. Med SalesComm etableres et langvarigt forbindelse mellem begge parter således at der data fra hele værdikæden kan vises i realtid i hele aftalens levetid.

Comforth Scandinavia

Comforth Scandinavia sells innovative beauty and skincare device. Currently our top-sellers are our at-home MicroDermabrasion machines and our permanent hair removers. We currently expanding our product range, our team and even our geopgraphy as we're expanding to Sweden this sommer. Currently we're doing +100.000 USD in sales per month, but we're looking to 10X that by expanding to the entire European continent.


Fully Aggregate Platform for digital Entrepreneurs that Simplify Banking & Payment via Open Banking. The all-in-one platform that stretch out your finance & help digital service businesses increase profit margin, prevent negative cash flow, and get peace of mind about their financials. Powering SMBs/SME to manage Banking & Spending via unified solutions, One platform, Endless opportunities.


Bueno is a single-source solution platform for property owners initially targeting people who owns property abroad. Bueno makes it easy for people to manage their property by combining financial services with innovative solutions and cost savings. Our initial market is Spain where 2 million foreigners own property. These are underserved by traditional banks and they pay too much for banking. The problems is not unique for Spain, banking in the South of Europe is years behind Scandinavia which means Bueno are addressing a massive market. Q1 2022 we launched in Spain as the first B2C real bank challenger with accounts hosted on the local banking network, Iberpay. This means we have full support for local direct debit payments, required to own and manage a property in Spain. We have a financial partner ready for France and will solve the same problems in France when we launch there in Q3. In Q2 Bueno will launch property insurance in Spain working with one of the big traditional insurance companies but we will also partner with a 100% digital challenger to offer 100% online insurance. We launched Bueno because of our own experience, and our friends experience with Spanish banks. Banking should not be this bad in 2022.

UNO econetwork

UNO econetwork is young startup developing a digital platform to help businesses make corporate sustainability due diligence easy. We are working on a SaaS solution that enables users to account for their own environmental, social and governance related risks, as well as keeping a track on their suppliers'. Through our platform, companies can minimise the need to answer and resend the same information over and over again. To save our planet, it is critical that all businesses act responsibly. However, many companies end up wasting valuable ressources and time on accounting, instead of focusing on what is really important. We wish to help companies reduce the amount of double-work in their sustainability journey, so they can focus on taking action.

AI Academy

AI Academy is a company specialized in non-technical education on Artificial Intelligence. In the last years we've seen AI going from universities' research labs to being ubiquitous across every industry. As new tools make developing AI more accessible, companies are struggling to re-train their people to use it fruitfully. This means allowing people to discover new use cases, design new AI-powered products or services, and manage the development and deployment of AI projects. AI Academy solves this problem with both custom company trainings and online education.