Zack Health

In a nutshell, Zack Health is a health digital twin that aggregates consumer health data to help track, improve, and predict health outcomes. We are addressing a significant problem in the current healthcare system 👇 70% of all deaths in Europe are caused by chronic diseases, costing the healthcare system more than €800 bn every year. The most effective approach to address chronic diseases is prevention, but only 3% of the European healthcare budget is allocated to preventive care. This leaves the individual responsible for their own health, which more than 50% also make an effort to do so. However, the problem is that many of these individuals: 1. Don't find any holistic and convenient solution to quantify their health 2. Feel they are given very generic health advices with less impact and doesn't stick as habits 3. Have no clue whether their efforts actually have a measurable impact on their health We believe that one of the solutions to this problem is a health digital twin that replicates the consumer’s health by aggregating data from blood tests, DNA tests, wearables, lifestyle habits, preferences, and symptom tracking. This data is then analyzed using AI and ML to create hyper-personalized and science-based health plans that help improve and predict health outcomes and prevent diseases.
Location Denmark
Founded 2023
Employees 1-10
Industries Healthcare & Life Science
Business model B2C, B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Zack Health

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Paid holiday
Paid holiday

Maternity / paternity leave
Maternity / paternity leave

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Equity package
Equity package

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

See all 16 benefits




Founder, Founder, CEO

Daniel Kristensen