XYZ Enterprises

XYZ Enterprises is developing BetterCity to help cities improve urban quality and tackle climate change by leveraging other cities. The What: There are about 1 million city governments globally. Cities are faced with budget constraints and spend a lot of money on research to improve decision making. Information about other cities and solutions is dynamic and always changing, but research projects are static. The How: BetterCity is SaaS platform to help cities improve urban quality and tackle climate change by leveraging other cities. The BetterCity platform will include city profiles with information such as: • % of travellers using each type of transportation • Car sharing and micromobilty services • EV charging • Parking • Related pricing for travelers • Related legislation • Projects Advantages to cities: • Make better decisions • Save money • Cooperate and compete with other cities The Why: Our mission is to help transform cities on a global scale to improve urban quality and help tackle climate change.
Location Denmark
Founded 2016
Employees 1-10
Industries IT & Software
Business model B2G
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
XYZ Enterprises

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Equity package
Equity package

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

See all 8 benefits




Founder, Founder and CEO

Joel Mulligan