Workability is a web-based enterprise application empowering leaders to take responsibility for employees workplace welfare and employee follow-up, and allowing employees to be at work as much as their health allows.
Sick-leave and workplace welfare is a problem escalating globally. As mental illness and complex health problems rise, new workplace challenges are created. Employers need new tools and practices to help deal with this adequately.
Norway has the highest sick leave in the OECD, costing the state and employers over 50 billion kroner each year. 70% of sick leave is avoidable (NAV) and could be prevented through better employee follow-up and workplace facilitation.
By solving structural barriers that exist today we help employers co-ordinate efforts with doctors, NAV and other stakeholders to keep people at work and prevent unnecessary sick-leave.
Our tools help leaders follow-up their teams, create an open dialogue and an inclusive approach to workplace welfare and how they organise work, key factors in preventing sickness and workplace absence.