We Encourage Oy Ltd

✨AINO - A conversational AI tool for victims of domestic violence✨ To support our mission towards equality, We Encourage builds a conversational Artificial Intelligence tool AINO for providing psycho-social support and guidance to women victims of intimate partner violence, gender-based violence, and promoting sexual and reproductive health. Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women’s human rights. Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime. The AI tool is expected to act as a reliable source of information for women on their rights and where to seek different levels of support. The tool will be providing step by step recommendations to victims and act as a helping friend. This intervention is expected to address a chronic development issue and to have a cross-cutting impact on SDG 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) and SDG 5 ( Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls). Furthermore, the AI tool could also help in building a network for anonymous peer to peer support networks among users who are experiencing similar incidents. The tool is build in collaboration with violence survivors, professionals, and collaborating NGOs. ✨We Encourage CSR - YOUR PARTNER IN BUILDING THE BEST SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM ✨ Half of a company’s reputation is based on the public’s feelings about what the company is doing to support the community. Therefore, having a well-established CSR program is essential for businesses that want to improve their branding to stakeholders and customers. We Encourage is here to help you build the best CSR program.
Location Finland
Website aino.encourage.fi
Founded 2019
Employees 1-10
Industries Healthcare & Life Science, IT & Software, SaaS, Service
Business model B2C, B2B, B2G
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
We Encourage Oy Ltd

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Skill development
Skill development

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed


Pet friendly
Pet friendly

“We Encourage is on a mission to make the world a better place for girls and women.”

We Encourage Team, Team




CEO and Co-Founder

Anna Juusela

Head of design

Kristina Mancheva

Mentor for marketing

Trang Nguyen

Content creator

Emily Stamp

Graphic design

Anastasia Kuzmina

Content strategist

Anastasiia Mikhlina

Community strategist

Elizaveta Ragozina

AI tool developer

Dagmar Urbancova

Data and research for AI tool

Teresa Machado

Data and research for AI tool

Eleni Sia

AI tool developer

Kaili Martin