Unikom Search

The competition to find the best talents and leaders for higher education positions and specialist positions in the industry is constantly increasing worldwide. Our mission is to help universities and enterprises hire the best possible local and international candidates for their open positions. We do this by actively identifying and motivating potential candidates through networking and the best tools available. Either as a candidate search process, where we attract candidates for your open position, or as a full executive search, where we take responsibility for the process until you sign a contract with the right candidate.
Location Denmark
Website unikomsearch.com
Founded 2021
Employees 1-10
Industries Jobs & Recruitment
Business model B2C
Funding state Pre-seed

Working at
Unikom Search

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Paid holiday
Paid holiday

Metropolitists, beach boys and mountaineers we salute you and pay you to go and explore the world.

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

You know how you perform best. Work from your couch, your favorite cafe or abroad when you feel like it.

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.


Search Consultant

Sarah Bernskov