Unga Programmerare

Unga Programmerare lär barn och ungdomar att programmera. Genom att skapa egna spel och program har hundratals barn och ungdomar har lärt sig att programmera genom vår plattform. Med programmering kan vi bättre förbereda nästkommande generation för framtiden. Vi vill att alla barn och ungdomar ska få möjligheten att lära sig programmera.
Location Sweden
Website ungaprogrammerare.se
Founded 2017
Employees 1-10
Industries Education
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Unga Programmerare

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Work life balance
Work life balance

Carve out time for your kids, friends and personal cider projects.

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

You know how you perform best. Work from your couch, your favorite cafe or abroad when you feel like it.

Skill development
Skill development

We want to take you from good to great.




Founder, CEO

Tobias Hallberg