True Followrs is an innovative platform that was launched in January 2023. It operates as a subscription-based service, enabling influencers to provide exclusive content to their subscribers. With a strong presence in the Nordic region, we have successfully collaborated with influencers from various countries and have gained customers in over 20 countries worldwide. Our platform boasts an extensive reach, supporting audiences across Europe, USA, Norway, and the UK. This allows influencers with a diverse international following to connect with a global audience, expanding their reach and impact.
Location Denmark
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries IT & Software, SaaS
Business model B2C, Marketplace
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
True Followrs

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Central office
Central office

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Key numbers


Happy customers


Markets represented


Founder, Co-founder / CMO

Kasper Bondegaard Pedersen

Founder, Co-founder / Data Analyst

Alexander Bondegaard Pedersen

Founder, Co-founder / Tech

Morten Ottow

Founder, Co-founder / Tech

Henning Hørstrup

Content & Influencer Success Manager

Michelle Ulrichsen

Partner / CTO

Yevhen Bielov

Open positions (1)

Country Manager With Big Network Of Creators/Influencers For Fast Growing Global Influencer Platform
True Followrs Remote Full-timePart-time