Safestate is a cybersecurity platform (Softwere as a service) which addresses small and medium-sized companies and partners and offers a platform with tools to test, identify and prioritize companies information and cybersecurity risks and thereby avoid the internal and external threats a company faces today.
Safestate is build by experts in informationsecurity and with the focus on offering companies the basic security tools at a price tag that is in relation to a company's size. The tools aim to prevent or completely avoid 90% of the threats that companies are exposed to on a daily basis. Customers use the platform themselves or via their IT operating partner and gain access to one or more of the tools via a monthly subscription.
We started building Safestate in 2019 and in january 2021 we launched it to our closest partners and custumers.
We are now looking for a investers who are interested in joining us and be a part of our journery to lauch global.
Best regards
Daniel Fyhr
CEO Secify Group