Sealytix develops CAPSIM, an advanced stowage algorithm that liner shipping companies can use to maximize the profit of their fleet.
Liner shippers are challenged by extremely complex stowage rules of container vessels. This means that sales teams are unable to fill all slots and sell container bookings that fit the vessel. The problem is known, but has defied automation until today.
CAPSIM is the fourth generation of a series stowage algorithms developed in collaboration with Danish Universities since 2007. It includes a patented AI technology for predicting lashing forces and forecasting cargo. It is the first stowage algorithm in the world that is able to select spot and contract cargo to stow on a vessel that maximizes total cargo yield.
A PoC with a large Danish liner shipper showed that CAPSIM enables vessels to increase their profit with 5-8%. This is a breakthrough result in a market that normally has profit margins of a few percent. The potential extra profit of the world fleet is more than $10B per year.
Sealytix has a SaaS software product line consisting of SLX | YIELD, SLX | FLOW, and SLX | STOW supporting sales, capacity management, and stowage operation, respectively.