Robin App AS

Robin is a Norwegian digital personal assistant created in November 2016 that enables its users to ask for any kind of on-demand services simply by sending a message in Facebook Messenger or in our app. Our service lies at the intersection of the most exciting movements in tech today—AI, on-demand, conversational commerce and last mile. Pål Ohna Børde Founder & CEO /CTO. Siviløkonom. Cross functional project management for the automobile and retail industry. Focus on digital solutionsJosé Rei Co-Founder & COO . Master of Science from BI. Experience from Foodora as Head of staffing and specialist within on-demand delivery.Bente Sollid Storehaug Board member . Digital evangelist and professional board member.
Location Norway
Founded 2016
Employees 1-10
Industries Consumer Goods, Service
Business model -
Funding state -