Rizer Biotech is a spin-off from groundbreaking research at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, aiming to revolutionise biomolecular studies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Our team, currently including Dr. Andrea Volpato, Dr. Andreas Bodén and Prof. Ilaria Testa, focuses on developing an instrument and measurement technique that enhances the understanding of biomolecular dynamics. The team's expertise currently covers instrument and software development and research collaborations.
Our innovation lies in directly studying large biomolecule dynamics, an area current technologies cannot effectively cover. The tool utilizes smart fluorescent probes together with polarized illumination and detection and enables a new dimension of molecular analysis that we believe can find applications in several important drug development areas.
The core technology is the result of many years of research within the academic setting, but the commercial aspirations are still young. The company was started in 2023 and is just taking shape as a separate entity. Most of the operations are today located in Scilifelab, a national research institute leading life-science research in Sweden.
Our vision is to empower drug developers, researchers, and clinicians with a tool that accelerates drug discovery and can foster a future of faster, more accurate, and more efficient therapeutic development.