Poss Balance

The world will be forced to move into the direction of renewable energy, and already many consumers would want to contribute to that. However, there is a problem: the investment is significant, number of technical solutions is high and growing, and it is hard to calculate the true return on your investment. Simply put: the risk is too big for an average consumer. We have a solution for that. We help you remove the risk, and prevent you from making a bad investment. We are developing a two-stage SaaS-product which optimizes customer value before and during the lifetime of the investment. This is an aftermarket solution which can be applied to any brand system. Software is on MVP stage with market validation, hardware on proto stage. Next step is to integrate the two stages into one cloud-based platform. Our vision is that Poss Balance is THE solution for a home owner to monitor and control their whole energy system in real time.
Location Finland
Website poss.fi
Founded 2020
Employees 1-10
Industries Energy & Greentech, IT & Software, SaaS, IoT
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Poss Balance

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Equity package
Equity package

Skill development
Skill development

Work life balance
Work life balance

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed




Founder, CEO

Helmer Haapala

Founder, Data Analyst

Anna Lipsanen

Founder, CTO

Petri Pennala


Matti Lipsanen