Pick Your Pour AS

‘Pick Your Pour’ is a unique digital menu - opening the world of taste in food and drink for everyone. Knowing how confusing a menu with lists of unknown ingredients and names can be, we aim to make it easier for guests to find something they like. ‘Pick Your Pour’ will customise a personal menu for every guest depending on what they’re looking for through a series of itemised questions. Saving both time and energy in this process will improve the customer experience in your restaurant or bar. We aspire to be a valued tool for both the service industry professionals and their guests. The founding idea was the wish to provide a possibility for curious customers to find new cocktails on their own, knowing they would enjoy the originality of their choice. Combining efficiency and customer interaction. We are currently developing a software program with the digital cocktail menu for restaurants and bars that want to increase their beverage sales and develop their in-house knowledge.
Location Norway
Website pickyourpour.com
Founded 2021
Employees 1-10
Industries SaaS, Food & Beverage
Business model B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Pick Your Pour AS

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Work life balance
Work life balance

Carve out time for your kids, friends and personal cider projects.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Equity package
Equity package

Want to be a partner? Look no further.

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

You know how you perform best. Work from your couch, your favorite cafe or abroad when you feel like it.




Founder, Founder, CEO & bartender

Ann Morgan Ayah