1: Short description (the pitch)
Phinder is developing a software solution to help companies to gain control of their data and comply with GDPR with a unique combination of intelligence technologies.
2: The What: What are you solving + more in depth details
“Unstrucutred personal data is one of the largest barriers for achieving GDPR compliance” (Partner, large danish law firm).
To achieve GDPR compliance an organisation must have a complete overview of and control of the personal data which they control. This is often done in an ineffective manner with manual processes. Unstructured personal data is often generated ad-hoc and stored randomly across a wide variety of IT systems. Very often this creates large amounts of non-compliant personal data and hinder organisations responding to access and delete request and achieving a GDPR compliance.
3: The How: Describe how your startup is solving this
Phinder Compliance Center is “plug and play” and supports images, text documents, videos and e-mails. We aim to provide the customer with a simple result which quickly give them an overview and clear understanding of how to improve their compliance level.
The software solution leverages a unique combination of artificial intelligence technologies such as facial recognition, face detection, OCR, NLP and propriety algorithms to identify personal data in images, videos, text documents and e-mails across wide variety of data sources, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, Teams, Exchange and SharePoint.
4: The Why: What motivated you to get started
Let us know what fired your spark. How did you become aware of the problem you're working to solve? What motivated you to quit your day job to focus on your entrepreneurial ambitions? In essence, why are you doing this?
“Automated data compliance, keeping privacy private” is a mantra which drives Phinder. We want to leverage innovative and technical solution to enhance privacy for the individual. We believe that the way to achieve it, is to help organisations reduce costs and increase efficiency for their compliance processes, and becoming more transparent for their employees, customers and the world the operate within.