Our mission is to eradicate waste of time, lives and ressources when deconstructing.
We aim to fulfil this ambitious goal by developing a software solution, that maps, categorises and documents the building mass of existing buildings.
This is the fundamental first step in transforming the building industry into a circular economy and all the construction waste into valuable resources. The materials that exist in our buildings today are perceived as waste even though they have the potential to be circular and valuable resources.
The main issue is that it is complicated and involves many steps when you want turn an old house into a new. Where many others try to solve one problem at a time, Milva solves all of them by automations based on the initial data collection and thus eliminating a lot of work that is performed manually today.
Today we use our software ourselves. This is our way of improving the logic and testing it in the field. And it shows great potential.
- We spend 2 hours on projects where competitors use up to 24 hours.
- We map ALL materials in a building, including risks and resources. Our competitors do not map resources - only risks.
- Our standard delivery time is 5 days while our competitors take 10 days. At the beginning of 2022 we will start selling our software to our competitors transitioning into more of an IT-company than an engineering company. Within 2022 we will add several new features.
- The world’s first marketplace for DOCUMENTED, clean secondhand building materials.
- A tender platform for demolitions or renovations projects.
Today the overview that the automatically-generated report we supply, improves the transparency, workflow and reduces costs for both entrepreneur and builder. Add to this the many new features we have in the pipeline for next year and we assure you, that in five years, Milva will be the go-to platform for reusable resources in the building industry.