OFF THE STORE the worlds biggest wardrobe.OFF THE STORE is an online fashion aggregator. We compare online stores, so our customers can find the best prices and deals, from resellers world wide. We aim to inspire, make shopping easier and create the largest online wardrobe possible."Find weekly inspiration or browse your selected style to find items suiting your fashion sense."  We believe in flat hierarchies, and that every person brings a unique value to what we do. Our team of eight is build with individuals working as nomads from around the globe. We work from home,  co-working spaces and cafés  in various cities like Helsinki, Copenhagen and Bangkok. Although we don't get to see each other often, we Skype every week. Technology is what we use for work, technology is our work. Since we are all working remotely,  we trust our team members completely.
Location Suomi
Founded 2017
Employees 1-10
Industries SaaS
Business model -
Funding state -

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Pension plan
Pension plan

Maternity / paternity leave
Maternity / paternity leave

Healthcare insurance
Healthcare insurance