1. In Mutual Benefits Group we aim to improve properties and society’s climate impact by AI.
The tool DEEP (Digitized Energy Efficiency Portal), has been developed by Smartergy* to optimize buildings and its equipments energy performance with Machine Learning in real time to help property owners and tenants to understand and improve their energy consumption.
Today we work together with Chalmers (Digitalisation/AI) and RISE (Energy Management) with support from VGR and EU.
*Organized under MBE until investor is chosen.
2. DEEP utilize adaptive AI control instead of manual analysis and control. Results in lower energy consumption, lower cost, risk mitigation if co-workers quit and less climate impact.
Investments in energy efficiency also stimulate the economy, in particular the construction industry, which generates about 9% of Europe’s GDP and directly accounts for 18 million direct jobs. MBE together with other SMEs(Small and Medium sized Enterprizes) would particularly benefit from a boosted renovation market, as they contribute more than 70% of the value added in the EU building sector. (EC, Energy performance of buildings)
DEEP stimulates to tangible optimization in the company
Time saving - relieves employees up to 60% to do other important things.
Energy & Cost Savings - in addition to 15-50% energy savings, data collection and "automatic facility manager" pointing out next equipment to update.
DEEP contributes concretely to Agenda 2030 goals:
7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
7.2 - Substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
13.3 - Improve education, raise awareness and human and institutional capacity for adaptation, early warning indication, climate change mitigation measures and its consequences.
3. We have committed co-workers (MSc, PhD) within SW-dev, Test&Verification, Project management, Power Electronics and Quality assurance. We support the automotive industry amongst other technologies with Machine learning for Autonomus driving vehicles.
We have performed a demo version of the DEEP tool at a sawing mill and are since 2019 performing a Pilot Case for one a big facility owner (revenue 10,6 B€) for an office building of 4500 sqm in Gothenburg.
The DEEP tool optimizes buildings energy efficiency by measurement, logging, analyzing and control the buildings equipment and manufacturing machines by AI.
Large buildings* HVAC system are usually controlled by a PLC. DEEP communicates (read&write) with the PLC by OPC server, API or other interface. The data is stored in the MySQL database which is read from the AI-unit, who analyse the data through a data driven Deep Reinforcement Learning, DRL algorithm. The control signal is communicated to the PLC who controls the equipment. The DRL gets a positive or negative reward depending on the step.
*Offices, Schools, Hospitals, Hotels, Industrial facilities, enough sized condonomiums.
4: The DEEP story
2017 we wanted to create an easy-to-understand product, with advanced technology, giving our property owners and tenants lower costs, improved climate impact and more time for important value-adding things.
After several years in climate-smart real estate solutions, we found that property management could receive valuable support from AI-based tools that automatically identify the optimal where and when it shall control, and automatically does it.
MBE has experience of technical assignments in autonomous driving vehicles. We are confident with AI algorithm development. We would like to transfer our knowledge to the real estate industry, as it nevertheless contributes to almost twice as much climatic impact as road transport (IEA, Digitalization & Energy, 2017)
Therefore we develop DEEP (Digitized Energy Efficiency Portal)…