loop-it is a smart and circular deposit system for reusable packaging to prevent single-use waste. We make take-away financially and environmentally sustainable for everyone.
We bring transparency and accountability into a product's lifecycle by tracking every product in use.
How loop-it works:
1. Order your food or drink in a reusable loop-it cup or box.
2. Enjoy anywhere and at any time.
3. Return the loop-it cup or box at any partner location and receive a digital deposit on your account.
Next time: collect another loop-it cup or box at any partner location and you are back at step 2. On our app, users can track and see their activity, find partner locations and get directions.
loop-it started based on the massive amount of waste from paper cups on campus, in cities and overfilled bins. We want to transform the linear packaging system into a circular one in a collaborative approach. This is our take on enabling change. We are doers and systems thinkers. We are enthusiastic and committed to shape a better future. With our interdisciplinary skills including Computer Scientists, Business Designers and Consumer Psychologists, we have the potential and motivation to change the status quo.