We use robots to automate and democratize access to healthcare!
The groundbreaking robot, Careebo, has been designed and developed by a team of robotics researchers at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense, a city home to one of the world’s leading robotics clusters. The robot was developed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the issues we suddenly faced as a global society. Clearly, we were not ready - we want to change that! The pandemic led to cross-infection between citizens and healthcare workers, low qualtiy samples due to inter-personal variability, and unequal access to basic healthcare such a swab sample.
At Lifeline Robotics, we aim to enhance our pandemic preparedness and global health securty by utilizing automation and robotics to create a system which enables ongoing and implemented monitoring of what moves around in our societies. We envision, that this system can be implemented at strategic locations, so citizens can easily engage before travelling, attending big events or visiting vulnerable family.