LifeGuard is a preventive B2B healthcare concept and platform that combines intelligent technology and personal coaching. Purpose driven business. Scalable model for growth. Recurring revenue.
Our solution in short:
✔️ Health prevention concept with built-in personal coaching
✔️ Holistic solution, covering → Fit, Diet & Mind
✔️ Ability to treat all employees as individuals (their health goals)
✔️ An intuitive healthcare platform for employees as employer
✔️ One solution → data-driven, user-friendly & engaging
The health situation is a huge problem to society and individuals, but also a major challenge to health insurances, pension funds and especially companies - which experience increasing costs for psychical and mental absence.
The health insurance market has exploded in Denmark. 2,1 million Danes have a health insurance estimated value of 3+ billions DKK though the massive decline in public health has catalysed a paradigm shift from solely focusing on treatment (via the health insurance) to realising the value of a preventative effort.
This is supported by a large study by Deloitte, which concludes that the cost of mental absence is up to a factor of 3 compared to the cost of physical absence.
Habits are hard to break!
The vast majority of market players within health tech and preventive care excel in pure tech/app solutions through the notification from an app often comes up short. The personal coach is the most efficient driver in achieving the desired and necessary lifestyle changes in relation to overweight, inactive lifestyle, stress and generally poor health.
LifeGuard’s main USP is our ability to merge leading automation principles know from classic health apps with real human coaching to create an all new product category → “Personal. Scalable. Affordable”. We have democratised personal coaching.