StepOut is a Helsinki based start-up developing an all-in-one SAAS tool empowering independent trainers in fitness, recreation and wellness to streamline their business processes. Any trainer
regardless of their background, technical capabilities and type of activity can pursue or build their business from scratch with our tool.
With the increase in demand for virtual fitness and wellness an increasing number of individuals are taking up their passion for fitness, wellness and recreation professionally. Our tool will enable the trainers to utilize minimum time & effort while maximizing profit by focusing on their customers.
We support diversity and inclusion by offering our tool to the skilled and talented trainers coming from various backgrounds to offer their services. Earn as per your own convenience while encouraging people of all ages to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle.
We are on a mission to bring the global community of doers together & lead the change to grow and break the boundaries.
Our values :
- Empowering independent trainers
- Create convenient earning opportunities
- Initiate collaborations amongst various fitness & recreation based entities
- Promote a healthy and happy living world “on-the-go”
- Encourage fitness & well-being for all age groups