We help knowledge workers to handle their cognitive capacity by providing an easy to use break solution with a biofeedback loop with the help of virtual forest environment.
The one billion knowledge workers of the world are the driving force of economies globally. Their mental wellbeing has a tremendous impact on industries and even countries. Until recently the issue of cognitive well being has been overshadowed and not recognized. Even without leading to burn out or mental disorders, cognitive fatigue leads to lack of productivity at work and hinders their wellbeing. On an organization scale this means that the most valuable resources is in nonoptimal use and can lead to large costs.
We focus on the very preventative stage of an employees well being. We bring the health benefits of forests to the work premises. We measure employers with physiological and psychological measures, giving them feedback and guiding them to take efficient breaks. We also provide data for the organisation on how their workforce is feeling and where in the year / week are the weak spots for cognitive balance.