
THE PROBLEM Searching second-hand online requires navigating hundreds of platforms and incomplete listings, forcing shoppers to do the heavy lifting of finding and comparing relevant items. The decentralized and the fragmented second-hand market creates a time-consuming and frustrating experience for shoppers to locate desired items among incomplete listings and outdated platforms. THE SOLUTION Koral aggregates millions of second-hand listings into one searchable platform with categorized, indexed data to create a one-stop solution. This eliminates tedious searches across individual platforms, making shopping second-hand is easier by improving discoverability and streamlining the process of finding desired items online.
Location Denmark
Website its-koral.com
Founded 2023
Employees 1-10
Industries Energy & Greentech
Business model B2C, B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

New tech gear
New tech gear

Work life balance
Work life balance

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours




Founder, CEO

Nikolai Lind

Founder, COO

Sandra Lou Neergaard