JOOLL = cykel over lønnen! (English below) Kort fortalt er JOOLL konceptet, at man får en flot og lækker cykel/ladcykel til en fast lav pris pr/måned inkl forsikring og serviceaftale, som så stilles til rådighed for medarbejderen der derved får “en JOOLL” som vi i mange år har kendt det fra biler som “fri firmabil”… bare i meeeeeeeeget mindre beløb og forpligtigelser for både medarbejder og virksomheden. JOOLL disruptede branchen i 2019 og har siden været på en flot vækstrejse og idag har medarbejdere på mere end 3000 danske arbejdspladser "en JOOLL". JOOLL er nu et cross-border concept hvor vi leverer vores løsning i Danmark, Sverige & Tyskland fra vores hovedkontor i København. JOOLL = Your Company Bike, was founded in 2019 with the ambition of changing the way people have their bikes, exploiting a growing market coupled with an increase in employer social responsibility awareness. JOOLL has in record time carved out a new and disruptive area in old school market. We are a fast moving, international expanding and vibrant organization that focuses on execution and constant development. As a market leader and market disrupter JOOLL has now surpassed JOOLLs to employees at more than 3000 Scandinavian workplaces. JOOLL is now a cross-border concept where we deliver our solution in Denmark, Sweden & Germany from our head office in Copenhagen.
Location Denmark
Founded 2019
Employees 11-50
Industries Consumer Goods, Maritime & Transport, Sports
Business model B2B
Funding state Pre-seed

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Near public transit
Near public transit

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Maternity / paternity leave
Maternity / paternity leave

See all 8 benefits




Founder, Co-Founder

Anders Torp

Founder, Co-Founder

Anders Westergaard