
InSec is a powerful security application that demands minimal battery usage and is totally free of charge to download. Do you need emergency assistance, walking company at night, defibrillators, first aid kit or simply reassurance that help is available? Every user has a unique private code which is located in the profile section of the app. When you and your loved ones input each others codes, you will become each others guardians. Build your own private security network, invite anyone you want directly in the app! With this powerful tool, you will have better overview as a parent, sibling, relative, best friend or guardian, without any border limitations. When the alarm is activated with a push of a button or through voice commando, an alarm signal is sent to every person in your security network. Let InSec become a part of your everyday life and help increase the safety for yourself and your loved ones.
Location Sweden
Founded 2018
Employees 1-10
Industries Healthcare & Life Science, IT & Software, Service, IoT
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Equity package
Equity package

Skill development
Skill development

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

See all 9 benefits


Founder, Founder

Pooya Yousefi


Mohammadreza Mosavat

Project manager

Birthe Björkenstock


Andreas Lif

Social influenser

Alem Sacirociv