Holosyn is dedicated to the implementation of exciting new electronic products in commercial, educational and artistic and visual displays. We are experienced distributors, installators and graphic designers for Persistence-of-Vision (POV) LED displays, more commonly known as Hologram fans. The idea that would become Holosyn was born in 2019 in Shenzhen, China. Known as the "Silicon Valley of hardware", Shenzhen is the undisputed world capital of LED displays and electronics manufacturing. In Asia's great coastal cities, the rate of adoption and maturity of new lighting display technology is fast, and we saw an opportunity to bring our amazing experiences out East back home.
Our mission statement is thus: To identify innovative electronic display technologies in new markets, and translate them into everyday use at a price that makes commercial sense. Our goal is to reach people and businesses with new products that ready for widespread adoption. After all, innovations that only a few can afford to see or use, are in a sense hardly innovations at all.