
We offer remote dentist services as a SaaS service. Our service is provided by mobile app. Patients fill in their information, snap photos and then connect with a dentist who is experienced in remote dentistry. Service include also instant e-prescriptions for Finnish citizens and rough estimation of costs of treatment options if treatments are seen necessary.
Location Finland
Website hammashelppi.fi
Founded 2021
Employees 1-10
Industries Healthcare & Life Science, IT & Software
Business model B2C, B2B
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

See all 7 benefits

Key numbers


Money raised




Founder, CEO, founder

Ömer Acar