
GatherGram is a platform designed to transform social events, with a primary focus on weddings, by enhancing guest engagement and ensuring that memories are captured and shared in a unique and interactive way. The app creates a digital space for attendees to connect, share photos and videos, and participate in event-specific activities, making each event more memorable and engaging. Problem being solved: Social events, particularly weddings, often lack tools that allow for deeper guest interaction and the seamless capture of shared moments. Traditional event formats miss opportunities for guests to connect meaningfully, share memories in real-time, or be involved in the celebration beyond just attending. Additionally, event hosts face challenges in managing interactions and media during the event, often relying on fragmented tools for invitations, photo-sharing, and updates. Why it matters: GatherGram solves these problems by offering an all-in-one solution that brings guests closer together while capturing every important moment. By consolidating media sharing, guest interaction, and event management into a single platform, GatherGram enriches the event experience for both hosts and attendees. The app fosters a stronger sense of community by encouraging guests to share memories and connect in new ways, and it ensures that no memory is lost. In a world where personal experiences and memories are highly valued, GatherGram fills an essential gap, offering a comprehensive tool that turns every social event into a fully immersive, shared experience.
Location Denmark
Founded 2024
Employees 1-10
Industries Media & Entertainment, IT & Software
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Skill development
Skill development

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

Central office
Central office


Founder, CEO

Sohail Amini

Founder, Tech Lead

Iraj Amini


Khalil Baloch

Open positions (4)

Backend Developer Intern
Gathergram Remote Internship
Frontend Developer Intern
Gathergram Remote Internship
Marketing and Social Media Intern
Gathergram Remote Internship
UI/UX Designer Intern
Gathergram Remote Internship