
Freelancerhub helps IT agencies to manage their freelancers.   Freelancerhub makes it easy to find the best freelancer for the customer's needs. At its core is an innovative, self-learning algorithm which clusters synonyms and establishes relationships between technologies. Thereby it is the first platform that can find matches in related data, which hugely increases the chances of finding relevant freelancers. Around this algorithm a platform has been developed managing the data of freelancers. Many skilled IT people excel at their work, but are lost between thousands of CVs. Freelance agencies rarely use more than 10% of the freelancers in their database. There lies a huge potential in activating the remaining 90%. Our mission is to enable IT freelance agencies effectively to find the best matches between a given task and their CV database. Thereby the focus can shift from finding any match to finding the best.
Location Denmark
Founded 2019
Employees 1-10
Industries IT & Software, SaaS
Business model -
Funding state -

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Equity package
Equity package

Skill development
Skill development