
FindGaven helps users find personal gifts for their loved ones using artificial intelligence. Most people know the struggle of finding a gift at the last minute. The gift should create excitement for the recipient, be personal, and be within your budget. This often requires searching through multiple online or offline stores and hoping that you spot something that you think will match. FindGaven uses AI to match the recipient's description to the best matching gifts from over 16 Danish webshops. This allows users to find a gift across many categories instead of going through multiple webshops individually. We have partnered with some of the best and most trusted shops to ensure a big selection and trusted places with quick shipping. Danes spend more than 15 billion annually on gifts for Christmas, birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions. One out of five gifts gets returned, which can be frustrating for both the giver and receiver and takes an unnecessary toll on the environment. The goal is to be the global place to start your search and expand to other important purchases to become everyone's personal AI shopping assistant. We are a product-led company that believes the best solutions come from the interconnection between deep technology knowledge and a deep understanding of our user's needs.
Location Denmark
Founded 2023
Employees 1-10
Industries Marketplace & eCommerce
Business model Marketplace
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

See all 7 benefits

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Founder, Founder

Michael Lindahl