ENDA is currently building a digital platform to streamline and simplify the process of shopping for eco-friendly clothes online. The aim is to lower the demand for ''Fast Fashion'' and raise the demand for ''Slow Fashion'' + ''Sustainable Fashion'' in the clothing industry. Today, we believe that shopping for clothes online is impersonal, inefficient and unsustainable. Impersonal in the sense that the wide range is not for everyone and there is no direct filtering system sufficiently developed to suit the individual. For example, you have to browse through lots of clothes you don't like before you find what you really want. Inefficient to the extent that the large supply is scattered across multiple online retailers. For example, you need to compare the price, stock status and delivery time of various online shops. This means that the process of shopping for clothes online can be both unproductive and time-consuming. Unsustainable to the extent that many of the major fashion companies offer and refer mostly to ''Fast Fashion''. Which means that constant novelties are promoted with clothes that have compromised quality at squeezed prices. This has contributed to the fashion industry being one of the third largest industries that are polluting our planet today. Below are some examples of areas where fast fashion is having a negative impact. - Textile waste - Eradication of raw materials - Water use and pollution - Microfibers in the sea - Carbon emissions - Fossil fuels - Agriculture - Deforestation - Sweatshops - Public health hazard - Exploitative labor practices - Child Labor - Forced labor - Insane work hours The above areas are something we care about, hence something worth fighting for. We are trying to build a digital platform that enables for personal, efficient and eco-friendly shopping online. Personal in the sense that there is a personalized filtering system for all products that are offered. Efficient to the extent that multiple online retailers are available in one place. Eco-friendly to the extent that we offer and guide the individual to make more sustainable purchases. By offering information to the consumer about what is eco-friendly plus allowing them to shop in a convenient way, we believe this is a step towards a more sustainable way of shopping on the internet. Both of us, (Eric & Filip) have always been entrepreneurial. We come from families with entrepreneurs and have both driven our own businesses before. We have always wanted to do or make something that has a positive impact on the world and its environment. To leave this world in a better shape than we found it, and that's where the idea started to take form. With the world becoming more digitalized by everyday that goes by, and online purchasing becoming more common the shopping in an actual shops (especially during the pandemic). We came to the conclusion that shopping clothes online is extremely wearying. And with fast fashion brands taking over social media and spreading like wildfire. We thought to ourselves, “How can we make shopping more fun and painless and at the same time persuade and educate people to shop more environmentally friendly. We have all seen what impact climate change has to the world and it would be a shame not to try and rework the damages we have caused with the time that is given to us.
Location Sweden
Website enda.se
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries Marketplace & eCommerce, Fashion & Living
Business model B2B, Marketplace
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

Skill development
Skill development




Founder, CEO

Filip Bergström

Founder, CEO

Eric Mårdh Löwenadler