
A floral, maxi, turtleneck, or strapless dress? Closay gives you access to hundreds of dresses loaned out by women near you! Borrow your dream dress or earn money on your own dresses – always 100 % insured by Alka Forsikring.The lenders earn money on their dresses and the borrowers get the chance to wear a nice and (normally) expensive dress. In short, Closay is sharing economy for dresses.Featured on Børsen, TV2 Nyhederne, TV2 News, Berlingske, ELLE, Ekstra Bladet, MetroXpress and TrendsOnline. Closay was founded in late 2015 by three friends - and still being a small team - the company structure is very flat. In the current team, we fully acknowledge that we are not the most skilled to solve every single task, which is why new team members are granted a lot of trust and responsibility.An entrepreneurial mindset is highly valued and there surely is a lot to be learned in an early-stage startup like ours. It might even form the base for a future career as an entrepreneur.
Location Danmark
Founded 2015
Employees 1-10
Industries Consumer Goods, Service
Business model -
Funding state -

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Time is precious. Make it count. Morning person or night owl, this job is for you.

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Get your caffeine fix to get you started and keep you going.

Near public transit
Near public transit

Easy access and treehugger friendly workplace.

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Social gatherings and games; hang out with your colleagues.

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Peckish after lunch? We got your back with soft drinks, treats and fruit.

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together.

See all 7 benefits