Boodla works to enable sustainable city life. And our main target groups are housing companies, real estate developers, architects and municipalities.
We know that life in the city can only be sustainable if people living there have the possibility to connect to each other and if ecosystems can thrive. Today, 60 % of city dwellers in Sweden feel lonely and as we develop or re-develop the city ecosystems get pushed away. We need to change this!
Our tool is urban farming services. We teach amateurs and professionals how food is grown, how healthy soils and soil stewardship can mitigate climatechange and we show how urban farming can contribute to solving the food safety challenge in cities. We work for a healthy city soil and systems that support it because the soil is the medium and the prerequisite for a viable future.
We started Boodla because we experienced the lack of knowledge and motivation regarding sustainability among our colleagues AND people living in the city. We felt we needed to adress this. We felt we could no longer continue as before and we work tirelessly to create a strong voice and inspirational resource for creating sustainable city life.