Attach is a cloud based document tracking platform that tells you everything that happens to your document after you hit send: who opens it, what pages they read and who they share it with. Attach aims to improve the way businesses communicate with each other by providing visibility around documents. Like Dropbox is synonymous with file storage, Attach aims to be synonymous with document sharing.
At Attach we’re passionate about what we’re doing, but also how we’re doing it. We value freedom and responsibility, experimentation and learning, we make sure we celebrate both small and large victories, and most of all, we respect and support each other on the journey.One of us is working in San Francisco, and two of us in Stockholm, which makes us spend some time on Slack. We try to arrange meetings when our time differences synchronize. We are very customer-focused and we adapt our feature after our clients needs. We have a clear vison and we know where we are going.