Anothers Legacy

At Another's Legacy, we love unique vintage jewellery, finding those magical pieces and handing on their legacy to a new person! We are a startup that is passionately driven for selling vintage jewellery but also being a part of a sustainable movement in the jewellery business. We bring a modern approach to finding and buying unique vintage jewellery pieces because our customers demand a more sustainable industry. They deserve an exceptional experience and the right chosen jewellery just for them. One that leaves them feeling happy and confident that they’ve found the perfect piece.
Location Denmark
Founded 2022
Employees 1-10
Industries Fashion & Living
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at
Anothers Legacy

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free lunch
Free lunch

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

Near public transit
Near public transit

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

See all 9 benefits


Founder, Co-Founder

Thomas Persson

Founder, Co-Founder

Sander Rasmussen