
Amitylux specializes in guided sightseeing tours. We design and offer tours tailored to singles, couples, families, and customize special tours for groups and companies. For us, travelling means discovering and exploring. It's about more than just visiting locations; it's about connecting with the people behind everything we see. Travelling is a source of enrichment, providing experiences and emotions that endure forever. Unique experiences, attention to detail, and creativity are the core values that drive the journeys we craft together with you.
Location Denmark, Sweden
Founded 2019
Employees 1-10
Industries Consumer Goods, Media & Entertainment, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality, Hosting
Business model B2C
Funding state Bootstrapping

Working at

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

Social gatherings
Social gatherings


Founder, CEO

Kristel H