Junior Meta Ads Specialist – Skaler globale brands hos OnlineMinds

Salary Competitive

Hos Online Minds skaber og skalerer vi vores egne online virksomheder, bl.a. inden for kunst og lejeboliger. Vi søger en ambitiøs Meta Ads Specialist med 2-3 års erfaring, der kan tage ansvar for vores betalte annoncering på Meta-platforme og drive profitabel vækst.

Hvem er vi?

Online Minds driver og udvikler digitale virksomheder med fokus på datadrevet vækst. Ét af vores største projekter er Rentumo – en global søge platform for lejeboliger i 15+ markeder. I starten vil du bruge 70% af din tid på vores lejebolig-søgemaskiner (Rentumo) og 30% på vores kunst brands som (Printumo) og andre mindre kunst-webshops.

Vi arbejder løbende på at udvikle flere brands, herunder Monetumo inden for ad-tech-industrien, som du også vil blive involveret i på sigt.

Du vil blive en del af vores team på kontoret i hjertet af København, tæt på Kongens Nytorv.

Hvem er du?

  • 2-3 års erfaring med Meta Ads (Facebook & Instagram) på tværs af markeder

  • Har erfaring med opsætning, optimering og skalering af paid social-kampagner

  • Forstår, hvordan man strukturerer kampagner for maksimal performance (audience targeting, creative iteration, funnel-strategi)

  • Arbejder analytisk og optimerer baseret på data – ikke gætterier

  • Har kendskab til attribution, tracking (Meta Pixel, CAPI) og performance-målinger

  • Trives i et kontormiljø, hvor du kan sparre med teamet og rapportere direkte om performance og strategi

Dine primære opgaver

  • Opsætte, administrere og optimere Meta Ads-kampagner (conversion, retargeting, lookalike audiences m.m.)

  • Eksperimentere med creatives, hooks og audience-segmentering for at maksimere ROAS

  • Analysere kampagne performance og komme med strategiske optimeringer

  • Samarbejde med designere og content creators for at udvikle effektive annoncer

  • Løbende rapportering og sparring med teamet for at sikre maksimal performance

Vi tilbyder

  • Mulighed for at arbejde med internationale kampagner og store annoncebudgetter

  • En rolle med ansvar og indflydelse, hvor du kan udvikle dine færdigheder og teste nye strategier

  • Et dynamisk og resultatorienteret arbejdsmiljø med høj frihed og ansvar

  • Konkurrencedygtig løn og fleksible arbejdstider

Hvis du er en skarp Meta Ads-specialist, der vil tage næste skridt i din karriere og arbejde hands-on med vækst i internatioanle virksomheder så send din ansøgning og CV via vores jobopslag på TheHub.

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Work life balance
Work life balance

Near public transit
Near public transit

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Skill development
Skill development

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Central office
Central office

Working at
Online Minds ApS

Online Minds is a rapidly growing company that specializes in creating and launching our own online businesses. We are NOT an agency. We own our own 8 brands (websites) in different industries. But all online. Our team of talented professionals is committed to building cutting-edge online businesses that meet the needs of the modern market. We pride ourselves on our ability to innovate and stay ahead of the curve, ensuring that our clients are always one step ahead of their competition. At Online Minds, we believe that success is a team effort, and we are always looking for new talent to join our team. We are a group of passionate and driven individuals who share a common goal: to create online businesses that make a real difference in the world. Our culture is built on collaboration, creativity, and a commitment to excellence, and we believe that these values are what set us apart from other companies in the industry. We offer a dynamic and exciting work environment, where employees are encouraged to take risks and push boundaries. Our team is made up of professionals from a variety of backgrounds, including marketing, design, development, and business strategy. We believe that diversity is our strength, and we are committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive and welcoming to everyone. Working at Online Minds means that you will have the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects, from small websites to large-scale websites. You will be challenged to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems, and you will be supported every step of the way by a team of experienced professionals. We believe in investing in our employees, and we offer a comprehensive benefits package that includes competitive salaries and opportunities for professional development and growth. We also believe in work-life balance, and we offer flexible working hours and remote work options to ensure that our employees are able to prioritize their personal lives while still delivering top-notch work. If you are a creative, passionate, and driven individual who is looking for an exciting and rewarding career in the world of online business, then we invite you to join the Online Minds team. Together, we can build a better future for ourselves and for our clients.

Read more about Online Minds ApS

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