Installatør af golfsimulatorer / Golfsimulator installer

Salary Competitive

Vi søger en entusiastisk og ambitiøs kandidat, som er villig til at lære og udvikle sig som installatør af golfsimulatorer samt projektering heraf. Du skal være villig til at rejse og arbejde på forskellige installationer både i Danmark og udlandet. Vi dækker hele EMEA og giver mulighed for at rejse til mange forskellige lande og udvikle dine kompetencer på forskellige områder. Din rolle giver dig mulighed for at arbejde i teams med gode kolleger samt evnen til at udforske forskellige veje til din karrierevækst.

Dine arbejdsopgaver:

  • Installere og konfigurere golfsimulatorer til private hjem, til professionelle golfklubber og til

  • kommercielle faciliteter

  • Lære at arbejde med elektriske og elektroniske systemer samt udføre installationer af høj

  • kvalitet for vores kunder

  • Arbejde sammen med erfarne kolleger for at lære om golfsimulatorer og deres funktioner

  • Koordinere og hjælpe med installationer fra start til slut

  • Arbejde tæt sammen med kunden for at sikre, at deres behov bliver opfyldt

  • Udføre andre opgaver i forbindelse med installationen af golfsimulator

  • Varetage “Aftersales”, vedligeholdelse m.m.

Din baggrund:

  • Du kan bruge dine hænder og har elektronisk samt byggefaglig forståelse.

  • Du behøver ikke være uddannet indenfor et specifikt fag

  • Du har en god grundlæggende viden om IT

  • Du har evt. erfaring indenfor projektledelse

  • Du kan begå dig på skandinavisk, engelsk og evt. tysk

Vi tilbyder:

  • En fast fuldtidsstilling med fast løn, pension og sundhedssikring.

  • Et godt arbejdsmiljø, hvor du kan udvikle dig professionelt

  • En mulighed for at rejse og arbejde på forskellige installationer både i Danmark og i

  • udlandet

  • Oplæring som installatør af golfsimulatorer og i projektledelse

Vores forventninger:

  • Du har en god vilje til at lære og til at udvikle dig

  • Du har en fleksibel og åben personlighed og er klar på flere rejsedøgn pr. måned

  • Du er en dynamisk og proaktiv person, som kan finde løsninger på problematikker, også i

  • pressede situationer

  • Du er en god kommunikator og kan arbejde effektivt i teams

  • Du har et B-kørekort

Indoor Golf Partner er Trackmans officielle simulatorpartner og har designet og installeret golfsimulatorer i Europa, Mellemøsten og Afrika de sidste 12 år. Vores løsninger spænder fra custom/skræddersyede simulatorer over DIY løsninger til store kommercielle faciliteter.

Hvis jobbet lyder som noget for dig, vil vi være glade for at modtage din ansøgning! Vi tager ansøgninger løbende med en deadline på 01/08/2024. Samtaler vil foregå løbende.

We are looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious colleague who is willing to learn and develop as an installer of golf simulators and later as a project leader. You must be willing to travel frequently and work on various installations both in Denmark and abroad. We cover the whole of EMEA and provide the ability to visit different areas of the world and develop your skills in different areas. This includes within your team as well as rotating to other roles, which also includes the ability to explore different paths for your career growth.

Your tasks:

  • Install and configure golf simulators for private homes, professional golf clubs and

  • commercial facilities

  • Learn to work with electrical components and electronic systems and carry out high-end

  • quality installations for our clients

  • Work with experienced colleagues to learn about golf simulators and their functions

  • Coordinate and assist with installations from start to finish

  • Work closely with the customer to ensure their needs are met

  • Perform other tasks in connection with the golf simulator installation

  • Do aftersales maintenance on the simulators

Your background:

  • You need to be good with your hands and have a decent understanding of electronics and

  • construction.

  • You do not need to have an education as a craftsman

  • You have a good basic knowledge of IT

  • Experience with project leader and management is a plus. This could include writing reports

  • and completing after-installation checklists

  • You can communicate in any Scandinavian language, English and possibly German

We offer:

  • A permanent position with a fixed salary, pension and health benefits

  • A good working environment where you can develop professionally

  • An opportunity to travel and work on different installations both in Denmark and abroad

  • Internal training as an installer of golf simulators and project management, which can be a

  • good basis for your future career

Our expectations:

  • You are motivated to learn and develop

  • You are a flexible and an open person

  • You are a dynamic and proactive person and have great problem-solving skills

  • You are a good communicator and can work effectively in teams

  • You have a B category driver’s license

Indoor Golf Partner is Trackman’s only official simulator partner and have been designing and installing golf simulators across Europe, the Middle East and Africa for the last 12 years. Our solutions span from custom simulators over DIY solutions and to larger commercial facilities.

Does this sound like something for you?

We will be happy to receive your application! We take applications on an ongoing basis with a deadline of 01/08/2024. Interviews will take place on an ongoing basis.

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Pension plan
Pension plan

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Gamified office
Gamified office

Free friday beers
Free friday beers

Healthcare insurance
Healthcare insurance

See all 7 benefits

Working at
Indoor Golf Partner ApS

We are Trackman’s only official simulator partner! We have been designing and installing simulators across Europe, the Middle East and Africa for the last 12 years. Our solutions span from custom simulators over DIY solutions to larger commercial facilities. We also develop and produce the Flexcages optimized for the new Trackman iO to be mounted on the enclosure. We are here to support the journey towards your golf simulator – from design and 3D drawings to supply, installation and support.

Read more about Indoor Golf Partner ApS

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