Vi søger en Co-founder til SPLISH

Salary Competitive
Equity To be negotiated


SPLISH ( står som en pionerende online markedsplads i Danmark, der kuraterer en udsøgt samling af high-end møbler, belysning, kunst og home decor - både nyt og vintage. Vi har solidt etableret os som den foretrukne destination for personer, der søger unikke designs i deres boligindretning.

Vi er lige nu på jagt efter en passioneret co-founder med en imponerende track record inden for marketing, Shopify, SEO og Klaviyo. Vi søger kun en dansktalende person, der kommer med erfaring fra lignende virksomheder og har demonstreret evnen til at skabe kunderejser, der omsættes til salg.

Vi forventer at du

  • Erfaring inden for marketing, Shopify, SEO og Klaviyo.

  • Track record med dokumenteret succes inden for kunderejser og konvertering af trafik til salg.

  • Dansktalende.


Som co-founder hos SPLISH vil du spille en afgørende rolle i at forme vores marketingstrategi, optimere vores Shopify-platform, forbedre vores synlighed på søgemaskiner og skabe engagerende e-mailkampagner gennem Klaviyo. Du vil være med til at udvikle og eksekvere innovative løsninger, der styrker vores brand og øger vores omsætning.

Hvad vi tilbyder

  • Muligheden for at være med til at forme og vækste en spændende online markedsplads.

  • En konkurrencedygtig andel i virksomheden.

  • Mulighed for at arbejde remote.

Vi vil gerne høre fra dig

Er du ivrig efter at være med til at omdefinere boligindretningens online landskab? Så vil vi gerne høre fra dig.

Send os dit CV og vi vender tilbage hurtigst muligt.

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free lunch
Free lunch

Skill development
Skill development

Working at

SPLISH ( is an innovative online marketplace that offers a high-end range of furniture, lighting, home decor, art, bags, jewelry, and accessories – both new and preloved products. This platform has established itself as a premier destination for individuals seeking to enhance their living spaces and personal style. SPLISH prides itself on curating a diverse selection of products that blend sophistication, innovation, and artistic expression. From exquisite furniture that transforms interiors to stylish accessories that complement personal aesthetics, SPLISH caters to a wide range of design preferences. What sets SPLISH apart is its commitment to collaborating with both established and emerging designers and artisans. This partnership ensures that every item available through the platform exudes a sense of creativity and authenticity, providing customers with a unique and inspiring shopping experience. Sustainability and ethical sourcing are integral to SPLISH's mission, and thus it’s called “preloved product” on the website. The platform embraces responsible production practices, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers who value both style and ethical considerations. In essence, SPLISH is a platform that caters to those who wish to infuse their living spaces and personal style with artistic elegance. By combining timeless aesthetics with contemporary design, SPLISH will firmly positioned itself as a go-to online destination for individuals seeking to elevate their lifestyles.

Read more about SPLISH

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