Marketing and Social Media Intern at ARTXP

Salary Unpaid

Calling all marketers at heart and social media whizzes! ARTXP is looking for a Marketing and Social Media Intern to help run our online presence on Instagram and Facebook. Excellent writing skills in English are a requirement and Excellent writing skills in Danish a preferred.

As a Marketing Intern, your efforts will have a significant impact on showcasing the incredible talent within our city, helping artists gain exposure for their experiences, and supporting their success as hosting artists.

You will play an integral role in the growth and expansion of ARTXP through your work in the social media marketing space!

Who we are looking for

ARTXP is looking for an enthusiastic and self drivenMarketing and Social Media Intern to join us on this exciting journey to support emerging artists and talented creators in unlocking new economic opportunities.

You will have successfully grown your personal social media account or are studying marketing and have a passion for social media and digital marketing and are looking for an exciting new experience. You will have a good understanding of the different social media platforms and know how to grow followers and optimize engagement.

What you will get to do

Instagram & Facebook;

  • Help drive organic growth of our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook

  • Create and post content on various FB groups

  • Help create Instagram posts, stories and reels

  • Research hashtags and trends

  • Engage directly with the users on Instagram and Facebook

Other marketing team support activities include;

  • Attend our listed experiences and create related content (live stories, images)

  • Help create and send weekly newsletters

  • Identifying partnership and brand collaborations


ARTXP is based in Copenhagen, and our team mainly works remotely.


  • Impactful Role in a Growing Startup: Play a pivotal role in a growing startup. You'll actively contribute to shaping our future.

  • Flexible Work Environment: Enjoy a high degree of flexibility in both your working hours and location.

  • Advance Your Career with ARTXP: By joining us during our early stages, you'll discover a wealth of opportunities to expand your skills, tackle fresh challenges, and advance your career.

Capacity & Compensation

This role is an unpaid internship position. Candidates may have the opportunity to transition into a full-time paid role.

About Us & Our Mission

ARTXP is a Copenhagen-based social impact startup connecting individuals and companies with professional artists and emerging creators hosting unforgettable experiences. Our mission is to cultivate a dynamic creative hub, empowering artists and creators to thrive in their craft while fostering a vibrant community where the wider population can actively engage with art, share experiences, and form meaningful connections.

Make an Impact

Your impact is twofold: help bring people together through meaningful creative experiences, while simultaneously unlocking new economic opportunities for emerging artists and creators – it's a win-win that goes beyond a typical internship

Apply now and be part of our mission-driven team at ARTXP!

Get priority by including your CV and a paragraph about why you will make the ideal candidate to join ARTXP.

For more information or questions please contact us at

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Social gatherings
Social gatherings

Skill development
Skill development

Working at

Som den eneste platform, der udelukkende fokuserer på kunstneriske og kreative oplevelser, sigter vi efter at være 'hjemmet' for alle kunstnere og kreative mennesker her og der og overalt - at støtte dem på deres rejse, at sørge for at eksponere dem og give dem værktøjer og muligheder for at tjene en meningsfuld indkomst gennem ARTXP ved at afholde workshops og oplevelser, som de designer omkring deres egne unikke kunstneriske færdigheder. De fleste kunstnere bliver ikke opdaget eller modtager den anerkendelse, de fortjener, for deres kunst. Slut dig til os i vores mission om at sætte fokus på de kunstnere, vi alle bør kende til, og hvis kunst vi alle bør opleve. Vi har hovedkontor i København, og er så heldige at have gode partnere til rejsen, herunder Accelerace ( Vi lancerede ARTXP i København i 2022, og i år planlægger vi at reklamere for vores sag og udvide vores gruppe af kunstnere. Hvem er kunstnerne hos ARTXP? Kunstnere og kreative mennesker der er knyttet til ARTXP, udøver mange forskellige former for kunst, og er bl.a. dansere, malere, fotografer, forfattere, billedhuggere, grafikere, designere, sangere, musikere, forfattere, filmskabere, og listen fortsætter.

Read more about ARTXP

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