Software developer intern to kickstart sustainability platform

Salary Unpaid

Software developer intern to kickstart sustainability platform

Do you want to try new, modern technologies to develop a high-quality web application?

And contribute to a more sustainable future by helping companies in taking action?

Then read further!

About the job

We are at the beginning of developing our first prototype, where you'll have an important role in trying out some concepts and have the chance to contribute with your own ideas and suggestions. In close collaboration with our UI/UX designer and experienced software developer, you will start building our user interface and implement some first functionality. Depending on your interests, we have a variety of tasks for you. 

We are working together with companies interested in the platform, and you can make an impact by developing prototypes for testing and evaluating the concept with our potential customers.

Duration and hours are flexible and can be agreed depending on your situation.

About the tech stack

We want to go a new way, and profit from powerful static type systems and functional programming in web development, where code traditionally is written in Javascript.

Kotlin, which recently gained attention through becoming the main language for Android development, is a multi-paradigm language with excellent tooling support, and provides the conditions to efficiently write quality code. The compiler has a JS backend, meaning that Kotlin code can run in the browser. Together with a DSL for writing typesafe HTML and CSS, this allows to effectively develop web applications in Kotlin. Wrappers for web-libraries such as React make it possible to use existing components from the Javascript ecosystem.


  • Preferably some knowledge of HTML/CSS which build the foundations of a web-based frontend

  • Experience with software development in at least one programming language

The following are a plus, but not at all a requirement if you are willing to learn:

  • Experience with Kotlin

  • Experience with React

  • Experience with functional programming

What we expect from you

  • You can solve tasks and acquire the necessary knowledge independently

  • You can discuss ideas and solutions with the team

  • More than experience, we value curiosity and dedication

What we offer

  • Friendly and relaxed environment where your ideas and inputs are valued

  • Flexible working hours with possibility for remote work (we believe - and expect - that you know best when and where you work best)

  • Cosy office at Incuba Katrinebjerg, next to the Computer Science department

  • Free fruit, drinks and snacks

  • Experience the exciting journey of a startup by joining a young and enthusiastic team from the beginning

  • Expand your software development skills by getting individual feedback from experienced professionals

  • While we currently do not have the means to pay a salary, we are working on getting funding, after which we will be able to offer paid jobs. The internship could be your door into the project!

  • Possibility to join startup-related workshops and events

About Uno Econetwork

Responsibility is no longer a choice but an imperative, if we wish to make a change for a more sustainable future. With the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards, many companies will soon be required to document not only their own, but also their suppliers’ environmental, social and governance related practices. While this helps making our society more sustainable, it also imposes a bureaucratic burden on companies. Here is where Uno Econetwork comes in.

We are developing a platform which connects companies with their customers and suppliers, mediating the flow of reporting through the whole value chain. Instead of manually having to collect the required information from all suppliers and repeatedly having to answer the same inquiries from customers, companies will be able to reduce their reporting work to a minimum, allowing them to focus on what is really important: taking action.

The team

We are a team of three founders: a social entrepreneurship and international sales and marketing management graduate, working on business development and building up contacts with potential customers, a graphics and UI/UX designer, developing UI mockups to work out and test the design, and a computer science graduate and former AU student who is leading the development of the platform, exploring new promising technologies to realise this impactful and exciting project.

We are entering a new phase where we are bringing the ideas to life - and this is where we need you! We are looking for new motivated team members who want to be part of this exciting journey.

Sounds interesting?

Then don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or send your application directly.

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number 23746108

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Free coffee / tea
Free coffee / tea

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Pet friendly
Pet friendly

Unlimited holiday
Unlimited holiday

Free office snacks
Free office snacks

See all 7 benefits

Working at
UNO econetwork

UNO econetwork is young startup developing a digital platform to help businesses make corporate sustainability due diligence easy. We are working on a SaaS solution that enables users to account for their own environmental, social and governance related risks, as well as keeping a track on their suppliers'. Through our platform, companies can minimise the need to answer and resend the same information over and over again. To save our planet, it is critical that all businesses act responsibly. However, many companies end up wasting valuable ressources and time on accounting, instead of focusing on what is really important. We wish to help companies reduce the amount of double-work in their sustainability journey, so they can focus on taking action.

Read more about UNO econetwork

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