Salary Unpaid

NornGuest Ventures is a Danish consultancy company with 4 main focus areas:

  1. Developing business ideas with environmental and social impact

  2. Strategic and environmental consulting

  3. Introduction to the African market

  4. Commission based lead generation in Africa

The company is owned and run by a single person - myself.

I am a highly impact driven person and the projects I am engaged in are all rooted in the sustainable development goals.

I am currently living and working in the westafrican country Togo, so all our contact will be online via WhatsApp, email, zoom meetings etc.

I am looking for a self motivated and impact driven virtual assistant intern to help me with some of the following tasks:

  • Online research and report writing

  • Lead generation

  • Content writing

  • Website uptimisation

  • Fund-raising

  • SoMe management and advertising

I can not offer a paid job at the end of the internship. But if we start something valuable together it may be possible to offer some sort of commission based cooperation.

As the job is unpaid it is also very flexible, and up to you which concrete projects you are interested in working on.

I hope to hear from you

Best regards

Charlie Uldahl Christensen

For more information or questions please contact us at or phone number +45 36 96 95 88

Perks and benefits

This job comes with several perks and benefits

Flexible working hours
Flexible working hours

Remote work allowed
Remote work allowed

Work life balance
Work life balance

Unlimited holiday
Unlimited holiday

Working at
NornGuest Ventures

NGVs Sustainable Business Concepts NornGuest Ventures is developing sustainable business concepts, targeting to make positive social and environmental impact, measured by UN's 17 Global Goals. In all our cases we are working with three bottom lines: Financial, Social and Environmental. Your Danish Partner in Nigeria With an extended network and local partners in Nigeria, we are also specialising in offering Danish enterprises assistance to assess their chances to succeed on the Nigerian market, to avoid the common pitfalls for foreign startups, and to register, establish and staff their business in Nigeria.

Read more about NornGuest Ventures

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