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Showing: 650 filtered investors

BHJ Fonden

Are you a company, organization or individual that contributes tothe UN's SDG Goals? If so, take the chance to win the BHJ Foundation's Initiative Award! This initiative calls for those who have developed products, services, competencies or knowledge that contribute to the sustainable agenda.

Kim Junge

I am a senior Sales Professional with substantial experience in leadership roles, in sales & marketing roles, and in local and global organisations. - primarily in the IT industry I do bring experience from a previous role as board member in a Danish IT company

Beam GmbH

BE A Maker What we offer: Beam offers unique advantages for founders. Creating a company is the hardest thing in business, and people who haven't done it, don't really understand. We increase your odds of success based on what we have learned as founders ourselves. How we invest: We identify non-obvious, market-changing business opportunities and collaborate with outstanding founders. We then launch startups jointly that address business problems at least 5X better than the status quo. Our term sheets: All business is people business. People work best on trust. The more trust, the less communication necessary. So we do our best to build a lot of trust with you early on by being fair and transparent. Why Beam exists: To understand why Beam exists today, let’s step back in time: A few years ago, BG was one of the largest vendors of CD sortation equipment in the USA. Business gradually dried up. It became apparent only later that this was due to Spotify: the same customer need, a different business model – and large consequences for BG. So if it happens again, the disruption might just as well come from Beam. That’s why half the startups we build annually are focussed on intra-logistics opportunities. The other half is free to innovate on logistics business models. Beam aims to disrupt BG’s core business. In the future, its companies will contribute substantially to BG’s revenues and profits. That’s why Beam can think and act like a family business: long-term. (The source of yet another competitive advantage.)

Danida Business & Innovation Explorer

Danida Innovation & Business Explorer offers financial support to Danish companies, including start-ups, that wish to investigate concrete business opportunities contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement. Priority will be given to applications that have an impact on combatting the climate crisis.

Mogens Vad

As a financial serial entrepreneur for more than 30 years, I have successfully established and managed a variety of entrepreneurial ventures within the international financial services field, both during my 10 years in New York and in Copenhagen. I have a proven track record of building high performing teams with focus on creating sales and building strategic differentiation. Apart from bringing creativity, methodology and process to companies, I also create value through strong communication skills. Ongoing participation in nationwide business radio program, as well as being a frequent blogger on the leading Danish newspaper Berlingske Business, both create visibility and strong personal networks to both business and media influencers in Denmark.

Javier Miranda

Global CMO at Too Good To Go. Founder of Jam & Co. ApS About me: • Strong leader, reputable executive and global citizen • Full-stack Growth professional with +15 years of international experience, playing multiple roles in hyper growth tech companies • Razor sharp data analyst, with holistic overview on growth models, sales processes and marketing activities • Strong drive, leading by curiosity combined with solid work ethic based on transparency, direct communication and dedication * MY TOP SKILLS True Leadership | Rainmaker | Resilience | Analysis | Business Acumen * MY WEAKNESSES Honesty | Rara Avis | Alpha player | Nonconformist * MY VALUES Transparency | Ambition | Dedication | Respect | Humbleness

Trade Institute Scandinavia

Trade Institute Scandinavia (TISc) facilitates Growth for Scandinavian companies worldwide. Through their partner and membership programs, TISc supports its companies with an expansive network of business partners and advisors.

Niels Fischer

I am a visionary and results-driven professional with a “can-do” mentality. Over the past 10+ years I have built up a strong track record in strategy & execution and new business development. I have expertise in handling complex and continuously changing environments across diverse industries and geographic regions. Seeing and shaping the big picture, along with a strong will to achieve and deliver quality is what drives me. One of my particular strengths is translating complex business matters into understandable strategies and executable action items.

Voluntas Holding

Voluntas Holding er et familieejet investeringsselskab med midtjyske rødder, der investerer i startups og mindre virksomheder. Med baggrund i et netop gennemført generationsskifte, ser vi os som en ”2-generations investor” med kompetencer i nutidens behov, kombineret med mange års erfaring i forretningsudvikling og internationalisering. Selskabet er ejet af Mogens Olsen og sønnerne Marc og Lasse Olsen, som begge er aktive i selskabet – deraf: ”3 investorer, 2 generationer, 1 familie”. Vores investeringsstrategi fokuserer ikke på bestemte brancher/forretningsmodeller, fordi interesse- og kompetencefeltet spænder bredt. Udviklingsmuligheder, købmandskab og god kemi med en kompetent ledelse vil være de afgørende faktorer i vores investeringsbeslutninger. Vi investerer både som enkeltstående investor samt i syndikater – gerne i et længevarende samarbejde og kun en exit-strategi, når og hvis det giver mening. Som investeringspartner kan vi tilbyde +30 års erfaring med egne startups, sourcing i Asien og Østeuropa, internationalisering, vedholdenhed, vilje og solid sparring i en afslappet atmosfære. Involveringen fra vores side vil afhænge af den enkelte investering, men vi vil altid gå ydmygt til samarbejdet med stor respekt for iværksætteren. Sidst men ikke mindst, har vi en grundlæggende passion for iværksætteri og startups, som vi ser frem til at bringe i spil i nye partnerskaber.

The White Box Ventures

We accelerate upcoming fashion and lifestyle brands through seed investments and hands-on involvement.

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