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Showing: 650 filtered investors

hoxton ventures

We help entrepreneurs invent new industries and disrupt existing ones.

Kristian Hvid Jakobsen

Kristian has been involved since 2001 as owner, director, real owner and board member in 7 different Danish companies. Kristian is currently active in 6 companies and holds 2 directorships and 1 board position.

E.R. Rasmussens Fond

For 75 years, ER Rasmussen's Foundation has supported both established and start-up Danish companies with advantageous loans to advance their development. ER Rasmussen's Foundation is established by wholesaler Erik Rudolf Rasmussen with the aim of supporting Danish companies in their development.

Brygge Partners

Vi indtræder som medansvarlig partner i din virksomhed. Vi er fleksible omkring vores ejerandel (primært minoritetsandel). Det afgørende er, at vi har god kemi og at der etableres god sparring omkring retning og strategi for din virksomhed, så virksomheden udvikles og samarbejdet bliver udbytterigt. Beslutningstagerne i Brygge Partners er involveret på daglig basis, og derfor kan vi træffe beslutninger i forhold til en investering uden kompleksitet og politik.

Kristian Lautrup-Nielsen

Experienced Owner with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Strong business development professional skilled in Marketing Management, Digital Strategy, Advertising, Sales Management, and Reconstruction.

1508 Ventures

When you co-found a company with 1508, you're immediately surrounded by an experienced team. You have co-founders who've been building companies and consulting bigger corporations for more than 20 years. You have functional teams of experts across design, development, strategy, finance, legal and people ops. And access to money from 1508 Venture fund.

Thomas Olesen

StartUps & TurnArounds Min kernekompetence er at forbinde kundebehov og efterspørgsel med kerneforretningens forskellige discipliner for at vækste eller redde virksomheder igennem kundevækst og nye produkt/service tiltag. Mit speciale er at træde tidligt ind i udviklingsfasen, hvor der måske er tale om et paradigmeskift eller et helt nyt, uprøvet og ukendt produkt eller service som skal vise om det har en eksistensberettigelse. Jeg har som ”Servicedesigner” i mere 20 år lært, at det er ideen og personerne bag der er nøglen til succes, samt det at fejle hurtig, mange gange og billigt inden lancering. En proces som jeg kan på rygraden og har kontakterne og værktøjskassen til at køre til end Om Thomas Olesen Jeg er på toppen med mine 53 år og har International direktør- og ledelseserfaring på topniveau: Rådgiver for Fiats og Nissans øverste ledelse. Direktør i Nissan Nordeuropa og Fiat Auto Spa. og medhjælper til Fiats globale turnaround. Nationalt har jeg som direktør for Biomega, Sam Headhunting og Palmu Inc. haft det samme fokus på turnaround og vækst. Jeg har en omfattende National og International erfarings- og kompetenceprofil indenfor ledelse. Min karriere har skabt mig et meget stort internationalt & nationalt netværk baseret på personligt kendskab/venskab til meget stærke ressource personer som kan understøtte og styrke os yderligere. De har alle det tilfælles, at de er autoriteter indenfor deres felt af ekspertise og har selv et netværk som de kan stå inde for. Det netværk sidder jeg klar til at dele med jer. Min mangeårige erfaring og brede kompetenceprofil kombineret med min topleder E*MBA, Cand.merc. og utallige ”business courses” er garant for, at jeg er klædt mere end på til at give dig en ekstra hånd.

Trade Institute Scandinavia

Trade Institute Scandinavia (TISc) facilitates Growth for Scandinavian companies worldwide. Through their partner and membership programs, TISc supports its companies with an expansive network of business partners and advisors.

Eric Korre Horten

Eric Korre Horten specialises in business and company law. He advises Danish businesses on, among others, the setting up and financing of companies. In addition, Eric advises Danish and international listed companies and financial institutions on securities law and capital market transactions, as well as company law and financing matters. Eric is, moreover, a highly experienced lecturer.

Ans Khawaja

Looking for start-ups where I can be an active investor. My background is banking, but i am open to invest in all industriens.

Conor Venture Partners

On the search for bright technologies that create global winners.


Founded in 1982 in Silicon Valley, Partech is a top tier global investment firm with a team spread across offices in Paris, Berlin, San Francisco and Dakar.

Henrik Orloff

Har erfaring inden for tech - finans - forsikring - online koncepter Har midler til rådighed for både aktivt (foretrukken) og passiv investering / bestyrelse og lign.

Telia Ventures

Ebba Lilliehöök is working as an Investment Manager at Telia Ventures, the investment arm of Telia Company being the largest telco in the Nordics and Baltics. Telia Ventures has a global mandate to invest in tech-enabled, consumer tech, enterprise software or network companies. The stage should be Series A or Series B.

Venture Cup

Venture Cup is Norway’s biggest business plan competition. This event is made to help young entrepreneurs develop their ideas through, and making structured business plans to make it happen. Those who do not have their own ideas can team up with other students or scientists. You can also choose to write a business plan of an imaginary project.

Ole Jensen

Ole Jensen is a professional and committed leader with a carrier of more than 30 years within international oriented B-t-B sales and services of technical solutions in a variety of industries as IT; Test & Measurement instruments and systems; RF and Electromechanical components for Telecommunications; Robotics, PLC, Motion, Drives, Sensing, Safety and Component within Machine Automation. Ole has a background with establishing regional subsidiaries including production, starting up agents and distribution channels. Strategically tasks making / implementing strategic plans, managing larger organization with constantly development on a daily basis.

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