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Showing: 650 filtered investors

Growing Food CPH

Growing Food CPH is a knowledge-intensive accelerator for early-stage food and food-tech startups from the Capital Region of Denmark.

Paua Ventures

An early stage venture capital firm providing capital to startups led by creative minds.

Thomas Olesen

StartUps & TurnArounds Min kernekompetence er at forbinde kundebehov og efterspørgsel med kerneforretningens forskellige discipliner for at vækste eller redde virksomheder igennem kundevækst og nye produkt/service tiltag. Mit speciale er at træde tidligt ind i udviklingsfasen, hvor der måske er tale om et paradigmeskift eller et helt nyt, uprøvet og ukendt produkt eller service som skal vise om det har en eksistensberettigelse. Jeg har som ”Servicedesigner” i mere 20 år lært, at det er ideen og personerne bag der er nøglen til succes, samt det at fejle hurtig, mange gange og billigt inden lancering. En proces som jeg kan på rygraden og har kontakterne og værktøjskassen til at køre til end Om Thomas Olesen Jeg er på toppen med mine 53 år og har International direktør- og ledelseserfaring på topniveau: Rådgiver for Fiats og Nissans øverste ledelse. Direktør i Nissan Nordeuropa og Fiat Auto Spa. og medhjælper til Fiats globale turnaround. Nationalt har jeg som direktør for Biomega, Sam Headhunting og Palmu Inc. haft det samme fokus på turnaround og vækst. Jeg har en omfattende National og International erfarings- og kompetenceprofil indenfor ledelse. Min karriere har skabt mig et meget stort internationalt & nationalt netværk baseret på personligt kendskab/venskab til meget stærke ressource personer som kan understøtte og styrke os yderligere. De har alle det tilfælles, at de er autoriteter indenfor deres felt af ekspertise og har selv et netværk som de kan stå inde for. Det netværk sidder jeg klar til at dele med jer. Min mangeårige erfaring og brede kompetenceprofil kombineret med min topleder E*MBA, Cand.merc. og utallige ”business courses” er garant for, at jeg er klædt mere end på til at give dig en ekstra hånd.

EQT Ventures

Half VC, half startup. Fuelled by some of Europe’s most obsessive company builders, engineers, designers, marketeers, data scientists and scaling experts, EQT Ventures supports ambitious founders on their journeys to global success. is the first Nordic venture capital company focused on the learning sector. We invest in teams transforming early childhood, K12, higher, secondary and vocational education as well as corporate and lifelong learning. Our geographical home field is Europe, while we can also selectively do investments outside the region. We invest from seed to international growth phase with single investments up to €5m.

Inbox Capital

They provide growth equity for tomorrow's​ digital leaders. Inbox Capital invests in Nordic based tech companies with proven performance in key areas, now aiming for international growth.

Spintop Ventures

Venture capital firm backed by a network of successful tech entrepreneurs, institutional investors, family offices and private investors in early-stage growth companies. Spintop Ventures invest in early-stage tech companies in the Nordics and the UK. Spintop Ventures focus their investments on Nordic tech companies pursuing global success. They make investments in early-stage companies with a global perspective. They are sector agnostic and do not exclude any field of business.


With offices located in London, New York, Stockholm and Oslo, Northzone is a technology investment partnership. Since 1996, they have been chosen by exceptional entrepreneurs as a long-term partner for growth.

Klaus Andreasen

Many companies struggle with profitability and growth. CEO Clarity helps executives and management teams come up with a clear strategy of aligned marketing, sales and technology in a way that fits in with a busy everyday life. It provides higher revenue and earnings and a more strategic role for management.


Jabou is built by experienced entrepreneurs who have both failed, learned and had success from numerous start-ups and companies since the beginning of the millennium. Jabou is your preferred eye level partner at all times, bringing experience, knowledge and manpower needed to execute both strategic and operational, - no matter the circumstances.

Wave Ventures

Wave Ventures is the first student-run VC in the Nordics and the biggest one in Europe. We provide pre-seed funding for the boldest teams in the Nordics.

DTU Science Park

The leading deep tech incubator in Denmark! DTU Science Park with Futurebox is the leading Danish deep tech and hardware incubator and accelerator. We supply strong mentors, business developers, tech advisors, investors, acceleration programs, access to fundraising and DTU.

Vendep Capital

Vendep Capital is the only pure SaaS investor in Finland, investing from its €36M pre-A venture fund (2017 vintage). The firm was founded by three partners who have complementary backgrounds as entrepreneurs, investors and general managers and who have invested together since 2011. We invest in the best SaaS teams in Finland when early metrics show market validation abroad and the team has a solid plan for scaling further. Typically, the initial investment goes into marketing and sales and establishing operations in the European HUBs (London, Berlin, Amsterdam) or in the US.


InnoFounder is a 1-year design driven incubator that targets recent graduates from Danish accredited educations.

Sealand Capital

A venture capital fund dedicated to investing in early-stage companies. Their investment includes mentoring, sparring and coaching from an experienced board of directors.

Spring Capital

Spring Capital is an early stage Venture Capital firm backing disruptive and scalable startups in the Nordics and the Baltics.

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