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Showing: 72 filtered investors

Sound Hub Denmark

Sound Hub Denmark is the world’s first international sound technology and innovation hub – an epicenter for sound innovation. A world-class sound & acoustics co-working space and growth environment for sound & audio startups, SME's and corporates. Join us, if you have an ambition to be world-class within your field.

Sealand IoT Incubator

A 3-step incubator program designed for IoT startups. Sealand IoT Incubator uses its varied resources and experienced mentors to develop early-stage startups to the point of market entry.


The INCENSe accelerator seeks to accelerate promising startups in the energy sector.

Startup Programme

Early-stage student startup incubator, located at the IT University of Copenhagen. We offer support, guidance and investments to student-founded companies and help them reach product/market fit.

Scale-Up Denmark

Scale-Up Denmark is an ambitious training concept for entrepreneurs and small enterprises. They want to establish an elite of high growth companies in Denmark. Scale-Up Denmark is a cross-regional initiative. Its foundation is the five regional business development strategies, and some of Europe's most competitive eco systems.


Venturelab is a venture advisory firm offering venture consulting services to fast-growing companies and entrepreneurs.

AAU Inkubator

In the Incubator you will find a startup community and workspaces, where entrepreneurs have a place to work on their startups and where guidance is always just around the corner The AAU Inkubator hosts a series of workshops, programs and social events that gives you the necessary knowledge and skills to start up your business venture. Through our events your will learn to test and validate business ideas, build a strong business concept, and learn how to get your business off the ground running


A startup incubator for design-driven entrepreneurs. The Nest is co-financed by the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth. They help early-stage startups by applying people-centred design methods to entrepreneurship.

Next Commerce Accelerator

NCA is a multi-corporate, commerce-focused innovation network, startup acceleration program, and early-stage investment fund.

Venner Group

We partner with entrepreneurs to build companies by investing in and developing digital products. Reach out to hear more and how we can help you!

Fiil Good

Impact Venture Builder. Our Mission in Fiil Good is to have a positive impact in the world where our children are going to live. We have an impact by active shareholding in mostly Finnish companies. We target both financial return and positive non financial (SDG) impact, and we promote circular economy. At the same time, we make it possible to have an alternative investment model.

Medical Device Business Catalyst

Early-stage incubator that invests market expertise and capital in tomorrow’s ground-breaking medical devices.

Next Commerce Accelerator

Next Commerce Accelerator is a multi-corporate, single industry-focused innovation network, startup acceleration program and investment fund.


SCALEit runs an acceleration program for Danish tech startups in Silicon Valley.

Thomas Olesen

StartUps & TurnArounds Min kernekompetence er at forbinde kundebehov og efterspørgsel med kerneforretningens forskellige discipliner for at vækste eller redde virksomheder igennem kundevækst og nye produkt/service tiltag. Mit speciale er at træde tidligt ind i udviklingsfasen, hvor der måske er tale om et paradigmeskift eller et helt nyt, uprøvet og ukendt produkt eller service som skal vise om det har en eksistensberettigelse. Jeg har som ”Servicedesigner” i mere 20 år lært, at det er ideen og personerne bag der er nøglen til succes, samt det at fejle hurtig, mange gange og billigt inden lancering. En proces som jeg kan på rygraden og har kontakterne og værktøjskassen til at køre til end Om Thomas Olesen Jeg er på toppen med mine 53 år og har International direktør- og ledelseserfaring på topniveau: Rådgiver for Fiats og Nissans øverste ledelse. Direktør i Nissan Nordeuropa og Fiat Auto Spa. og medhjælper til Fiats globale turnaround. Nationalt har jeg som direktør for Biomega, Sam Headhunting og Palmu Inc. haft det samme fokus på turnaround og vækst. Jeg har en omfattende National og International erfarings- og kompetenceprofil indenfor ledelse. Min karriere har skabt mig et meget stort internationalt & nationalt netværk baseret på personligt kendskab/venskab til meget stærke ressource personer som kan understøtte og styrke os yderligere. De har alle det tilfælles, at de er autoriteter indenfor deres felt af ekspertise og har selv et netværk som de kan stå inde for. Det netværk sidder jeg klar til at dele med jer. Min mangeårige erfaring og brede kompetenceprofil kombineret med min topleder E*MBA, Cand.merc. og utallige ”business courses” er garant for, at jeg er klædt mere end på til at give dig en ekstra hånd.

Trade Institute Scandinavia

Trade Institute Scandinavia (TISc) facilitates Growth for Scandinavian companies worldwide. Through their partner and membership programs, TISc supports its companies with an expansive network of business partners and advisors.

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