Paavo Toivanen

Experienced Sales Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Electric Identity Provider service, Electric Signatures, Project Implementation, Recruiting, Sales Process and Quality Assurance. Strong sales professional with a M Sc (Econ.) from Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.
Type Angel Investor

Investment info

Invests in
Product or prototype
Go to market
Growth and expansion
Investment range
€ < 25K
€ 25 - 50K
€ 50 - 100K
€ 100 - 500K
Primary markets
Consumer, Companies, Marketplace, Government
Investing in countries

Focus areas

Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Energy & Greentech
Energy & Greentech
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
See all 29 focus areas

Key people

Sales Executive

Paavo Toivanen

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