Mikko Keto

Over ten years of experience in different areas of the Energy and Utility business. In particular, extensive experience within IoT area, such as Smart Grids and Smart Metering, with several positions ranging from solution sales and rollout project management to business management. I have also held positions in product management, business development, sourcing and supply chain management.
Type Angel Investor
Website linkedin.com

Investment info

Invests in
Product or prototype
Go to market
Growth and expansion
Investment range
€ < 25K
€ 25 - 50K
€ 50 - 100K
€ 100 - 500K
Primary markets
Consumer, Companies, Marketplace, Government
Investing in countries

Focus areas

Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Energy & Greentech
Energy & Greentech
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
See all 29 focus areas

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