Hannu Turunen

Hannu is an investor and entrepreneur, co-founding Stonesoft in 1992 and serving as CEO through its IPO in March 1999. Leveraging his storied ancestry of coal mine canaries, he led a second offering in March 2000 shortly before the DotCom Bubble crash. Hannu then founded the investment company Magnolia Ventures, and moved on to the Stonesoft Board of Directors, serving as chairman until the company’s acquisition by McAfee in 2013.
Type Angel Investor
Website linkedin.com

Investment info

Invests in
Product or prototype
Go to market
Growth and expansion
Investment range
€ < 25K
€ 25 - 50K
€ 50 - 100K
€ 100 - 500K
Primary markets
Consumer, Companies, Marketplace, Government
Investing in countries

Focus areas

Consumer Goods
Consumer Goods
Energy & Greentech
Energy & Greentech
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
See all 29 focus areas

Key people

Managing Partner

Hannu Turunen

More about Hannu Turunen

Hannu currently serves on a number of boards for companies he has invested in, including BLStream, Men & Mice, Sumoing, Primesmith.com, and Picosun. He holds an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology and an MBA from Helsinki School of Economics, where he has also pursued Ph.D. studies in Management Science.

Hannu is an enthusiastic Bridge player, enjoys reading fiction and watching movies, and practicing many pursuits involving sticks such as skiing, golfing, and recreational fishing.

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